French Beans Seeds
Even though Spanish and Portuguese travellers brought this to Europe, it came to be known as the French bean!
French beans, sometimes known as green beans, are sold fresh, canned, and…
Green Capsicum Seeds
Red and green capsicums don’t only have different colours but also different health benefits.
Green Capsicum, famously known as Shimla Mirch in India, is one of the easiest vegetables to grow…
Green Chilli Seeds
Chill-i with the chillies!
Green chilli, famously known as hari mirch in India, is the heart and soul of Indian food. Gives even bland food a spicy twist. Is one of…
Okra Seeds
Okra is also known as lady’s finger is a great fibre source
Okra, also known as lady finger or bhindi in Hindi, is full of essential nutrients and minerals which help…
Radish Seeds
If the raddest vegetable had a name.
Radishes are farmed and eaten all over the world, with the majority of them being eaten raw as a crisp salad vegetable with a…
Red Cabbage Seeds
Red cabbage, the perfect baggage!
Red cabbage is a type of cabbage that is also known as Blaukraut when it has been prepared. Its leaves are a dark red/purple colour. However,…
Ridge Gourd Seeds
It will be gourd for you to know that you can eat the skin of ridge gourds too!
Ridge gourd, a prominent vegetable in Indian cuisine, is available in two varieties….
Tomato Seeds
From Salads to ketchup, I love them from my head To-ma-toes.
Tomatoes are a summer-season vegetable and are usually grown as a summer annual. Rich sources of vitamin C, Potassium, and…