Leafy Greens Grow Kits

Grow & Harvest Fresh Leafy Greens All Year Round

Our all-inclusive leafy greens grow kits make growing your own fresh, organic leafy greens super easy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Set Up

a) Bag

The bag is porous in nature which drains out the excess water effectively. There is no need add any additional holes. However, the mix remains intact.

b) Nutrition Brick and Cocopeat Brick

Please refer to the how-to video above to know more.

It is a custom blend made from plant-based extracts that provides micro and macro nutrients necessary for the plant growth.

Simply add the contents of the nutritional pouches given to the expanded cocopeat and mix well. Your mix is now ready to use. Refer to the how-to video above to know more.

c) Seeds

Yes, the seeds given are 100% non-GMO.

Add back the remaining seeds into an air tight zip lock cover to prevent moisture or air from entering into the cover, which otherwise can drastically reduce the rate of germination.

d) Placement

Identify a place that receives at least 4 hours of direct sunlight, which is the most important pre-requisite for growing leafy greens Furthermore, please ensure the place doesn’t attract any uninvited guests like pigeons and monkeys.

If your bag is placed in a place with less sunlight, growth of the leaves will be extremely slow. If your bag is placed in a place that receives no sunlight, your plant will die in less than 14 days after germination!

You can grow your leafy greens round the year. However, ovoid growing spinach during summers as it has the tendency to bolt and turn bitter. Apart from that, you can grow your greens all year round. Please note that during summers your kit requires more water to be able to survive the heat.

e) Planting/Sowing Seeds

Please refer to the how-to video (https://homecrop.in/resources/) to know more.

The recommended sowing depth is ¼ inch (0.6 CM). Please note that there will be no germination if the seeds are sown too deep. Do not forget to gently cover your seeds after sowing. If left uncovered, your seeds may not be moist enough to sprout.

Your seeds take anywhere between 5-10 days to germinate. If that’s not the case it may be due to the non-ideal conditions. If the temperature is very low, then they may take even longer to germinate or if you have sown the seeds too deep, then you may not see any germination. In case, you don’t see sprouts even beyond 10 days, try planting the extra seeds. Even if this doesn’t work, call on our support number and we will replace the seeds for free.


It depends on the temperature in your area. If it is too hot, it may be necessary to water every day. Here is how you can check: Stick your finger inside the mix for up to 2 inches deep. If you feel that the mix is moist there is no need to water. If you find that the mix is dry, it is a cue that your plant needs water. DO NOT OVER-WATER!

This happens when the mix is too dry or the mix turns very hard. In case the mix looks hardened, loosen the mix and try adding water. In case you the mix is too dry, fork out about 2 inches, add water and mix different layers of mix to moisten it, post which it will start holding the water.

It is the food for your plants. While the mix contains all the nutrients that you plant needs during the growth phase, additional plant food is necessary to provide the plants with extra nutrients during the growth phase. Please spray the recommended dosage once in every week, 7 days after germination. Refer to this link to know how to use plant feed (https://homecrop.in/resources/ ). Refer to the post set up care (https://homecrop.in/leafy-greens-kits/) for complete information about the care.

It is extremely important to provide your plant with extra nutrients at different phases of its growth without which you may notice small stunted leaves, brown or red edges, yellowing between the veins of the leaves etc. which are the signs of nutritional deficiencies in plants.

Please refer our post set up care guide for more information (https://homecrop.in/leafy-greens-kits/). In case you still have questions, please reach out to us on our support number: 8179982232

Leafy greens will be ready for harvest between 25-30 days after germination.


You can gauge roughly using the shadow test:

Around mid-day, place your hand ~1ft above where your plant will sit and spread your fingers wide.

Look at the shadow cast by your hand. A well-defined shadow means your light is strong, while fuzzier and fainter shadows mean you may need to supplement it with a grow light.

Yes of course. You can use the bag with the mix multiple times. However, before sowing new seeds, solarize (sun-dry) the mix for two days add the required nutritional supplements (https://homecrop.in/resources/) to the mix to replenish the nutrients that were used by the previous plants. That’s all it’s now ready to sow new set of greens seeds.

No, unfortunately this kit has been designed specifically to grow your leafy greens. And yes, you can grow fresh microgreens too using the same kit.

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